Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

50 of 8851
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
21510-244208 - Air Conditioning Unit Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/13 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
GABARUS SEAWALL OBSERVATION DECK & PEDESTRIAN RAMP Goods, Construction 2024/11/05 2024/11/21 Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Victoria Class Fire Control System Spares Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Department of National Defence
Laser Cutting, Engraving, and Etching Machine Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/26 Department of National Defence (DND)
Sheet-to-Sheet Slot-Die Coater Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/25 National Research Council Canada
Remote and/or in-person ASL and/or LSQ interpretation & Sign… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/08 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (…
Notice of proposed procurement Business consulting/change management… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/21 Departement of National Defence
Office Reconfiguration - Winnipeg Regional Office Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/20 Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Near Infrared Continuously Tunable Laser with Multi-Port Optical Power… Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/19 National Research Council Canada
Electric Forklift Truck Goods 2024/11/05 2024/12/03 Department of National Defence
NPP - Hydraulic Power Unit Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Transport Canada
Maintenance and repair service for high-voltage electrical systems Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/19 Correctional Service Canada
Fire Alarm Annual Testing Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/20 Correctional Service Canada
Community Urine Collector Services Services 2024/11/05 2024/11/21 Correctional Service Canada
Supply of an Automated Liquid Handler Goods 2024/11/05 2024/12/02 National Research Council of Canada
Printing Services for Employment Social Development Canada (ESDC) and… Services 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Employment Social Development Canada
Prequalification Challenge-Based Solicitation (CBS) – IaaS and Native… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/15 Shared Services Canada
Managed IT Service Provider and Consulting, Infrastructure Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/19 Destination Canada
Advanced Care Provider / Emergency Physician Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/27 RCMP
47419-270574 - Psychological Assessment Services Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/29 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
21301-257819 - Translation Services Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/28 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
EJ196-241914 Maintenance Services on the Radio Frequency Shielded Doors… Services 2024/11/05
2024/12/02 Department of Public Works and Government…
Standing Offer to Supply and Deliver Radio and Battery Vehicle Charging… Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Halifax Regional Municipality
Project to Support the Development of Environmental Product Declarations… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/20 Public Services and Procurement Canada
NPP – W8486-259795/A – RFSO – Provision of Homemade Explosives Training Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/07 National Defence
Sled, Self-Propelled, 2 Passenger, 2 Stroke Gasoline Engine Goods 2024/11/05 2024/12/05 National Defence Headquarter
Support Services for the Assessment of Technologies to Reduce Vehicle… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/19 Department of National Defence
Purchase of new Cameras and Accessories Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/25 National Research Council Canada
Impact of hydrogen on steel casings and tubings Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/08 Natural Resources Canada
NPP - SDI Recorder Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/29 Transport Canada
Programmable Optical Processor Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 National Research Council Canada
Lac Philippe Timber Structure Construction 2024/11/05
2024/11/12 National Capital Commission
Asphalt Shingle Project on Heritage Building – Regina, SK Construction 2024/11/05 2024/11/19 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
VALVE, STOP-CHECK Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/13 National Defence
Printing Services for standard size Employment Social Development Canada… Services 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Employment Social Development Canada
XRF Handheld analyser Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/08 Conseil National de Recherche Canada
Provision of footwear for Senate employees Goods 2024/11/05
Chartering of Helicopters for Migratory Bird Surveys in British Columbia Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/07 Environment and Climate Change Canada
Black Mental Health Services 2024/11/05 2024/11/20 Correctional Services Canada
Centralised Printing Services (CPS) – Printing Services for File Folders… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/13 Employment Social Development Canada (…
Associate Scientific Editors (ASE) for the Health Promotion and Chronic… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/28 Public Health Agency of Canada
FOR SALE BY TENDER - SURPLUS VEHICLES - FLEET Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/14 Cape Breton Regional Municipality
W3555-259967-A – Chain Hoists Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/21 Department of National Defence (DND)
Large-Scale Design Research Studies Services 2024/11/05 2024/12/02 Privy Council Office
Digital Platform for Tracking, Monitoring, and Reporting of Embodied… Services 2024/11/05
2024/11/18 Housing, Infrastructure and Communities…
NPP - Torque Pressure Transducer 3049260-03 Goods 2024/11/05 2024/11/22 Transport Canada
University Hall Roof Replacement Construction 2024/11/04 2024/11/29 Acadia University
Halifax class spares – Switch, Pressure Goods 2024/11/04 2024/11/19 National Defence
Notice of proposed procurement (NPP) for Task and Solutions-Based… Services 2024/11/04 2024/11/18 Azlyn Roslan
Fournisseur d'un service de paiement pour l'essence Services related to goods 2024/11/04
2024/11/06 Agence de mobilité durable
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 118925
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
W3996-25020i Drifire Long Johns and Shirts Goods 2025/10/22 2027/03/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
Cyber Protection Services Services 2025/09/25 2027/03/31 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
H1020-246872 Waters Upgrade Plan waters_connnect Ntwk Goods 2025/09/01 2025/09/30 Department of Health (HC)
Service Delivery and Organization Transformation and Costing Renewal Services 2025/05/30 2025/06/30 Employment and Social Development Canada…
GSIN 4820 Non-Powered Valves HFX Class Goods 2025/05/21 2025/05/21 National Defence
Oracle Unlimited Licensing Agreement (ULA) for PSPC Goods 2025/05/14 2026/05/13 Department of Public Works and Government…
Purchase of a Cell Imager and Analyzer System Goods 2025/03/31 2024/11/15 National Research Council of Canada
TSB2024-8061148 - Boeing 737NG (B73C) Simulator - Advance Contract Award… Services 2024/11/15 2025/03/31 Transportation Safety Board of Canada (…
ProServices SA - ALIA CONSEIL INC. Services 2024/11/05
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - The Great Canadian Training and Consulting Company Inc. Services 2024/11/05
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
10 of 46021
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Apparel Solutions CW2372097 Department of National Defence (DND) 2025/10/22 CAD 28,080.50
Waters Limited CW2374025 Department of Health (HC) 2025/09/01 CAD 239,136.96
Oracle Canada ULC CW2364345 Department of Public Works and Government… 2025/05/14 CAD 2,572,767.07
Valcom Consulting Group Inc. CW2360147 Department of National Defence (DND) 2024/11/16 CAD 7,107,736.00
CogSim Technologies Inc. E60ZT-180025/389/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00
WAKING THE unCONSCIOUS E60ZT-180025/370/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00
Landmark Fisheries Research Ltd. E60ZT-180025/395/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00
Nuna East Ltd. ET025-210528/001/PWZ Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 3,393.01
QIAGEN INC. CW2318934 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 2024/11/05
CAD 47,698.43
Aynils Tech. Inc. E60ZT-180025/398/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/05
CAD 0.00

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