Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Request for Proposals (RFP) – Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance… Goods 2019/02/21 2019/03/18 Farm Credit Canada
Decision / Business Rules Engine (D/BRE) system Goods 2019/06/06
2019/06/17 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
User Account Management, Audience Engagement Tools, Content Moderation,… Goods 2019/04/16 2019/05/31
Mainframe Reporting Tool Goods 2022/01/31
2022/02/02 Shared Services Canada
ServiceNow Development Operations (DevOps) Support -RFP Services, Services related to goods, Goods 2022/08/09
2022/09/01 Farm Credit Canada
Request for quotations for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Goods 2017/03/22
2017/03/27 Destination Canada
Expense Management Solution Services, Goods 2022/03/08 2022/04/05
Digital Permitting and Asset Management Solution Services 2023/04/20
2023/05/23 Camrose
NRFP HR Applicant Tracking System Goods, Services 2017/01/09
2017/01/20 Destination Canada
SAP Business ByDesign Partner Services related to goods, Goods, Services 2017/07/17
2017/07/31 Destination Canada
Smart Card/Token Requirement, Public Key Infrastructure Goods, Services related to goods 2017/10/11
2017/10/18 Shared Services Canada
RSA Tokens and Maintenance for the Authentication Manager Goods, Services related to goods 2020/05/25
2020/05/29 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Voting Services Modernization/Polling Place Process Enhancement Services, Goods, Services related to goods 2017/09/18
2017/09/21 Elections Canada
Elections Canada/Voting Services Modernization/Polling Place Process… Services, Goods, Services related to goods 2017/03/08
2017/04/11 Elections Canada
Voting Services Modernization / Polling Place Process Enhancement Services, Goods, Services related to goods 2017/04/25
2017/05/11 Elections Canada
Corporate and Events Hosting and Operations Management Construction, Goods, Services 2017/04/10
2017/04/19 Elections Canada
Displaying 1 - 2 of
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List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Voting Services Modernization/Polling Place Process Enhancement Services 2017/12/18 N/A Elections Canada
Corporate and Events Hosting and Operations Management Goods 2018/01/03 N/A Elections Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2015/10/20 CAD 113,880.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2014/10/31 CAD 108,458.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2013/10/21 CAD 101,519.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2012/10/31 CAD 96,685.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/12/19 CAD 102,565.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/10/28 CAD 92,081.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/09/23 CAD 25,000.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/09/23 CAD 1,434,165.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/07/15 CAD 1,434,165.00
IBI GROUP MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP M1500-085816/001/EL Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2010/07/23 CAD 47,153.00

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