Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

19 of 19
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Operator Assisted Services RFI for SSC Services 2020/10/14
2020/10/16 Shared Services Canada
Managed Video Conference Service Services 2020/03/11
2020/03/13 Shared Services Canada
PSTN Audio-only SIP Trunking Services for on-premise environment Services 2020/01/08
2020/01/14 Shared Services Canada
Videoconference Services - Parliament Services 2015/10/28
2015/11/02 Senate, The
Managed Video Conference Service Services 2013/05/30
2012/04/17 Canadian Radio Television and…
Webinar Service Hosting: Adapting to Changing Climate in Canada Services 2018/06/20
2018/06/22 Natural Resources Canada
Videoconference Maintenance Agreement Services 2018/02/21 2018/04/04 Office of the Superintendent of Financial…
Videoconferencing Services - RFI Services 2015/05/21
2015/05/27 Senate, The
Integrated Video Conferencing Solution for Shared Services Canada Services 2015/03/25
2015/04/07 Shared Services Canada
Video Conferencing Procurement Vehicle (VCPV) - Industry Engagement Day… Services, Goods 2017/05/08
2016/12/29 Shared Services Canada
Polycom Maintenance & Support or Equivalent Services 2023/03/10
2023/03/14 Shared Services Canada
Invitation to Qualify for a procurement process for the Offender… Goods, Services 2019/06/13
2019/06/17 Shared Services Canada
Invitation to Qualify for Audio & Web Conferencing (AWC) Services Services 2017/01/30
2017/01/31 Shared Services Canada
Audio Visual Equipment Request for Proposal Goods, Services, Services related to goods 2020/05/11
2020/05/15 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Request for Proposals (RFP) – Meeting Room Hardware, Services and Support Services related to goods, Services, Goods 2022/06/24
2022/07/15 Farm Credit Canada
Request for Information - Vendor Readiness for Accessible Information… Services 2022/12/21
2023/01/31 Employment and Social Development Canada
Council Chambers Conferencing System Replacement Goods 2023/09/12
2023/09/27 City of Brooks
Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) for Enterprise Build Voice Services (EBVS)… Services, Goods 2020/11/10
2020/11/13 Shared Services Canada
Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) – Government PSTN Access Services (GPAS) Services, Goods 2020/07/10
2020/07/16 Shared Services Canada
Displaying 21 - 21 of
1 of 21
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) for Enterprise Build Voice Services (EBVS)… Services 2021/01/20 N/A Shared Services Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
TELUS Communications Inc. 82082-110710/001/EF Canadian Radio Television and… 2010/12/22 CAD 162,500.00
TELUS Communications Inc. 82082-110710/001/EF Canadian Radio Television and… 2010/07/29 CAD 162,500.00

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